What Oprah Can Teach Us About Financial Freedom

May 27, 2011by Ted Hunter

I can hardly let this week go by without commenting on Oprah’s departure from her talk show after twenty-five years. While I’m not a viewer, Oprah certainly possesses many qualities that have shaped her life and can serve as an example to others. Though Oprah is known for her generosity and giving, I’d like to address another aspect of her character—one that can be easily applied to successful money management.

Oprah has never sold herself short. Not once. Rather than let herself believe that she didn’t have what it takes to amount to anything, she strove to achieve her every goal and dream, never telling herself she couldn’t do it. The tendency to shortchange yourself can have a huge negative impact on every part of your life, including your finances, and is something I caution you against doing in Money Smart.

In order to be successful with your money, you must never tell yourself that you can’t do it. All too often people convince themselves that they can’t achieve whatever it is they really want. Have you ever found yourself throwing your hands up in despair, telling yourself that you just can’t get out of debt? Or save for the future? Or change jobs? It’s too easy to convince yourself that you don’t have the resources or education or smarts to accomplish your goals, but those aren’t the things that ultimately create success. Many studies have shown that personal success actually comes from personal attributes relating to attitude, discipline and determination. So focus on your skills and aptitudes; and especially focus on reaching your goals.

If Oprah had ever told herself she was never going to make it, do you think she ever would have achieved the level of success that she has? Instead of telling yourself that you can’t do something, look at all that you have going for you and remember: You are the only one who limits you from getting what you want. And that includes achieving financial freedom.

Ted Hunter